Unprepared for Exams

by Charleen

I have had two dreams about having a History exam and not being prepared for it. I also had a dream of having a Science exam and couldn't find a book to study. Then when a friend gave me the book, I had company and didn't have time to study. I didn't actually make it to the school in my dream but was worried that I hadn't studied for them. All of the dreams seem to involve not having studied because of no time to study. History is a subject I did not like in school, which was about 47 yrs. ago.

I don't feel stressed about anything in my life but perhaps I just don't realize it. Is there any other interpretation?

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Dec 21, 2014
Why history?
by: Anonymous

I wonder why it is so often a history exam that we feel unprepared for. I've had this dream too and it's always a history exam that I've forgotten to study for and forgotten to attend the classes. Sometimes I'm struggling with other subjects, such as math, but I haven't forgotten to study or attend those classes. In fact, I've been so preoccupied with them that I've forgotten about the history class!

Jan 28, 2013
Dream about sitting all three science exams
by: Anonymous

I dreamt last nite that I waz sitting all three science exams and not enough time to complete them. During the exam we all ran out cause one of the students car had been nicked.

Feb 19, 2012
History Exam
by: Alison

I have had a re-curring dream for several years about being unprepared for a History exam & course work.

I loved history at school & enjoy it now, too.

It's been suggested I try past-life regression to find out what in my past I need to address in this lifetime. Food for thought?

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