Teeth Pushing Themselves Out Of My Mouth!

by Shell
(Greenville, SC)

In my dreams my teeth fall out in the most horrible way. I can literally feel them pushing themselves out that it feels so real; it feels like the huge pressure someone feels when getting a shot.

It doesn't hurt but the pressure is so real, so great (in a bad way)! Sometimes they break in half and I get so scared in my dreams.

Everytime it happens in a dream, which is quite often, I always feel the deepest emotion of sadness that I can still feel it when I wake up. What's it all about? It freaks me out alot.

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Oct 07, 2011
just a comment
by: soul

i was told that when your teeth falls off no matter how many it was it means death. dont tell it to anyone that you had that dream or that person that you told about that dream would die, instead try telling it to plants.. i dont know if thats really true but that just a superstition, the elders in our town told that to us..

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