Teeth fall out & then new teeth begin to grow

by Charlotte

In my dream one of my teeth suddenly felt very very loose. I kept playing with it until it fell out into my hand. I felt surprised and shocked. This kept happening until I was holding a pile of teeth. I was feeling very odd and worried about what I was to do. A friend from work was with me and wasn't making me feel much better!

I looked in the mirror (or just instinctively knew) that they were baby teeth. Little white points were showing in the gaps on my gums, meaning new, big white teeth were going to emerge. I have never felt such a sense of relief and joy in a dream!

Hopefully this means new and better beginnings.

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Nov 27, 2014
I had a similar dream
by: Anonymous

The dream I had, also had me holding my teeth in my hand after they have fallen out, but there was only 4 of them... Two front teeth and the nearest 2 teeth on either side of them. And a couple of the teeth had blood on them... For me though I looked in the mirror and was shocked but had some hope that perhaps a dentist could fix that problem. I had the thought that this dream might mean I will loose 4 of my closest friends somehow. So I'm worried...

Jun 07, 2012
same thing
by: Anonymous

My dream is similar except only the front teeth fall out and little baby teeth emerged.

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