
by Annah
(New Zealand)

So there was this girl at school and she told me that to do the splits you just had to put one leg down at a time.

So I did and I could do them easily! I then went and showed everyone and they were really impressed!

When I woke I tried how she said to and couldn't. :( But after a few weeks of stretching I can now do them! :)

Comments from www.realmeaningofdreams.com:

This is great! You have literally taught yourself in your dream how easy it can be to do the splits, and this then gave you the impetus to work on this in your waking life! Unconsciously you went through the training that you body then learnt in waking life.
But it all started with the dream.

It just goes to show that you really can learn new talents in your dreams!

Thanks for sharing!

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Jan 02, 2016
My split dream
by: Anonymous

from past one year i am practicing to do a split in early morning i had a dream in which i was practicing a lor to do a spilt within a short time i coyld do a split i got very exited and ran to meetmy friehd i saw that she was busy annd left her alone.that time i even learnt to do a piroutte

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