Pulling String or Gum Off My Teeth

by Heidi Jordan
(Chalmette, LA)

I had this recurring dream of frustration. There would be a string caught between my teeth and I would pull and pull and pull but never found the end of the string. My teeth would loosen and sometimes fall out. Sometimes it would be chewing gum doing the same thing. Stuck on my teeth and I would try to pull it off. I would pull and pull and it just kept getting longer and longer in my hand and wouldn't come off my tooth.

I finally figured out that it meant that I felt I was being strung along in life. I had a manipulative person in my life who was lying to me and stringing me along with those lies. I felt helpless and without control of the situation.

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Feb 26, 2023
String has changed shape! NEW
by: Anonymous

I had the string dream (again) last night too, and also saw a notification that someone else had posted on this thread.
My 'string' has now expanded into something more goopy like a thick stretchy gum. And it's never ending. In the dream, I'm always concerned that someone will see it coming out of my mouth, and there's no way to stop it - cut it or break it off. It just keeps spooling out until it stops. So weird.

Feb 23, 2023
How crazy it is to find out so many others had the same dream NEW
by: Seemslikeanerve

Last time I had this under a week ago, so frustrating, I realized the string was a nerve, and that I was afraid to cut it because of pain. I even started cutting it and it had a kind of protective layer that was white almost textile like and that became red where I started cutting it and then I woke up. What does this dream mean?! It’s driving me nuts.

Oct 24, 2022
Pulling string dream NEW
by: Anonymous

Omg, I have these dreams. Last night was the worst. The string was never ending. It seemed so real.

Jan 08, 2022
The String Teeth dream strikes again NEW
by: Anonymous

OMG, I had the string teeth dream again last night and saw in my email there was a notification on this thread (lol) that someone else had had one too.

This time it was much more like dental floss and there was a lot of it. It was very strong and I was trying to break it off and wind it up into little balls before anyone saw it.

The main thing I'm aware of in the dream is wondering when the string will end?

Jan 07, 2022
Floss teeth NEW
by: Anonymous

I’ve had this dream a lot. Floss or string never ending pulled from my two bottom middle teeth. I try to pull harder to break it but the slack just keeps coming. I finally dreamed last night that I pulled it out all the way. I wonder if that’s the end of it haha. We will see

Oct 03, 2021
Never seem’s to end… NEW
by: ScottAnonymous

I’ve even tried to cut it with my finger nail to stop my pulling… strangely I feel peace I’m not the only one that has this dream…I’ll work harder to understand this in my lucid dreaming…Which I really enjoyed as a second Reality….

Aug 01, 2021
Just figured out it was a dream NEW
by: Letty

I have been having this dream for years. I am pulling a string off my teeth that feels like chew gum and could never find the end of the string. I was so confused that I thought it was real for years. This time I was able to find the end of it and had other people watching me do it (pulling). I hope it will be the last time.

Jul 24, 2021
I feel better! NEW
by: Anonymous

I’ve had this dream hundreds of times during my life!! It is never scary , just embarrassing every time. In my dream I can never get the floss to stop. It is between two molars and I just pull and pull and pull and it never stops! I am always with other people in my dream. So for me I think it’s fear of embarrassment. I’m also kindof nuts about clean teeth so maybe it’s that too! Just glad to know I’m not alone!! 😉

Mar 16, 2021
Pulling string/floss from between teeth NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes the string dreams began after I started taking anti-anxiety meds. They have been far less, possibly brain getting used to the meds?

Mar 16, 2021
Did You Have Braves?
by: Todd

I have this reoccurring dream too and I hate it. I wonder if it has anything to do with spending so many years wearing braces as a kid. String, wires, gum... all things that could relate to having worn braces on my teeth.

Feb 19, 2021
Same dream
by: Carcar

I have the same dream. Something stuck in my teeth a string like floss. I pull and pull it never ends then it's like my literal tooth unravels becomes so loose it falls out. Then another appears and it repeats. I'm always in different places and have random people from my past pop in. 90% of my dreams I remember and FEEL. I wake up tired from my sleep life. It's so real to me and since I remember it all its very emotional. I have to remind myself "I'm awake now" "that wasn't real" it's so crazy. Is this lucid dreaming. Most are horror dreams to. Some are great but not alot.

Jan 04, 2021
This dream and anti-anxiety meds
by: Anonymous

I have this dream at least once a week.
Anyone else taking anti-anxiety meds?

Nov 11, 2020
String throat dreams NEW
by: Rena

Omg i dont feel so freaked out i have recouring dreams about pulling string old like hair from my throat its horrible knew it must be coz of stress

Aug 14, 2020
I make a ball with the actual gum while I pull it *weird* NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had this dream 3 times now. Blue gum stuck in my mouth between my teeth. I keep pulling and start making a ball bigger than my fist with the sticky substance.Even when Imanage to take out most of it. I discover more between my teeth and the pulling continues. I first ready that it was anxiety and lack of control, but I hve been fixing a lot of things latelyin my personnal and professional life. Now I think its about my real teeth because they've been more sensitive lately!

May 25, 2020
The string pulling is a trigger to let you know you are dreaming. NEW
by: Anonymous

Look into lucid dreaming. Have enough of these string pulled from the top teeth dreams and you will be triggered/signaled that you are deep within a dream. I got them maybe once a week for years. Then I figured out a way to associate the string pulling act with an actual dream. I have had multiple lucid dreams where I snap myself out of dream state... but consciously remind myself to keep pulling the string to keep to keep the "dream police" at bay. The "dream police" freak out when they sense you are aware you are in dream world mode. You can trick them by pulling on the teeth string while exploring and adventuring around. You will get some strange looks from other dream characters and they may look at the string coming from your mouth. Play it cool, walk around, observe, and keep pulling the string. You can last maybe 5-10 minutes before the dream police yank you awake.

May 12, 2020
Weird powers...? NEW
by: Anonymous

Every time I have lucid dreams they are always weird and anxiety filled and usually scary. Well it's been almost 10 yrs since I've had one. This one was about my brothers and sisters (I'm an only child) having to practice our powers. They were dark and disturbing ones, I can't really recall the others. My sister, which felt like me actually, could not practice hers because she was distracted. The distraction was fake grass like string, pink in color, to be specific. She/I/we kept pulling and pulling. I felt this, it felt like peices of corn out from between the teeth but then it was the fake grass just continously coming to it snapped off. But then 2 seconds later more would come. Over and over this would happen. The string got longer and longer and more ingrained in with fibers of our being. Felt like hours in a dark room with only candles lit for light. Right before I woke up, I almost wanted to cry because it was then coming up threw my throat!
What does it all mean? And how does it relate to each other, if it does?
(I was only asleep for 1 hr)

Apr 05, 2020
Pulling string/floss from between teeth
by: Anonymous

Ok I'm tripping out right now after reading these comments... some are exactly this dream I had (or have been having). I was pulling out some kind of fibre that's floss-like but more like tendon/tissue type stuff from between my top two teeth. It was painful yet kind of relieving at the same time. But it was SO real, like super vivid lucid dreaming that I've rarely had. I can still recall the feeling of pulling the fibres out right from my gums. I'd pull some out but more just kept coming. I know I've had this feeling (dream) before many times.
I swear pulling this floss-like tissue from my teeth is something I was actually doing. But I felt my teeth today and it's just not there.
Has anyone figured out what this is???

Oct 30, 2019
me too! NEW
by: Anonymous

This is one of the most common dreams that I have. I agree with what has been said - it is very frustrating while it is happening! I just keep pulling on this floss-like string stuck in my teeth and I can feel my muscles exerting the strength but just when I feel like it is going to come out the floss gets longer and I have to pull again - each time thinking something along the lines of, "ok after this pull it is going to come out," but the cycle repeats.

I've also had strange dreams of pulling surgical equipment out of my skin. I had to have emergency open-heart surgery a few years ago, and I attribute these dreams to repressed anxiety over what happened and almost dying.

Dreams are strange indeed - even more so that so many people have similar ones.

Sep 17, 2019
Amazint! I've been having the same nightmare for monts! NEW
by: Ron

It's really harrowing!

I've been having this dream, or nightmare for some time now, and I had it tonight! For no special reason, I am in a public space or in my home, with people, and suddenly I start pulling a stuck floss from my teeth and it never, EVER ends, and I feel I am about to pull my teeth out with it.

It's terrible and I have a real hard time figuring out if it's a dream or not while it happens. It feels so real and terrible...

I had no idea more people were having the same dream. It's really a psychological phenomena, by the looks of it.

In my case, I don't know what it could mean. I am a clean person with good teeth hygiene. But to be honest, I have some serious shit to eliminate from my life too. Can't say here what is is. Too personal. But maybe it's a common factor? All of us having the same dream, might mean we have serious shit to solve, shit that makes us feel dirty? Probably... I know it's my case.

Aug 12, 2019
pulling gum that is sticking to my teeth
by: Anonymous

I have had this dream dozens of times. I finally googled it and stumbled upon these. How odd that there are so many of us. I had another last night, and I laid there, after it woke me up, with such a feeling of fear...I laid there and tried to remember the whole thing, but, mostly just that I would pull this gum like substance out of my mouth..the more I pulled, the thicker it got, and I would keep rolling it and rolling it, and I would yank with all my power to un peel it from my teeth..sometimes, my teeth crack in millions of pieces, and then I freak out and try and put the teeth back together, but, the gum is embedded in with the broken teeth. This dream drives me crazy...oh, and while this is happening, I am trying my best to hide from anyone that can see me doing this crazy gum stuck on my teeth crap. What can this mean????

May 07, 2019
Pulling floss from teeth NEW
by: Gkorbo

I had a dream last night about a peice of floss stuck to my tooth and as i tried to pull it off my tooth i just could not remove it.. It was almost painful to try and pull the floss off my tooth because everytime i tried it only got tighter around my tooth and i thought my tooth was going to fly right out of my mouth literally this dream felt so real i woke up feeling my tooth for this peice of floss like i can still feel it right now it was just so strange.

Aug 29, 2018
Like pulling teeth NEW
by: Anonymous

The phrase ‘like pulling teeth’ comes to mind after having this dream & fits the frustration and concern felt whilst pulling a seemingly endless piece of string from between my teeth. In my case I would repeatedly think i’d got rid of it all only to find a short while later that there was more to come. This fits my real world experience of overcoming an addiction, big or small, or trying to ‘remove’ something from my life. So for me it simply symbolises that there are currently some teeth being pulled in our lives, which may be uncomfortable but ultimately worthwhile

Jul 06, 2018
Gum or resin stuck to my teeth
by: Igor

I have stopped smoking 35 days ago and every night since I dream this. Sometimes its gum stuck in my teeth sometimes it's some resin or something like hardened carmel. I remember the sensation very clearly too. I can't say it hurts but its like my teeth are sensitive. I'm sure it has to do with quitting cigarettes.

May 05, 2018
my answer to this dream
by: Malley

I also have the dream of bubble gum stuck on my teeth trying to get it off. It doesn't matter what you are pulling, string, hair,gum,etc. What it means is, you feel stuck in a situation, you are stress out about it.Like a rock and a hard place. If you have pain when it happens it means you feel stuck, and stressed but you are torn because you kinda think it will be to painful to change it. It boils down to fear. These dreams are anxiety, fear and stress. This is from a Biblical perspective. Sometimes I have pulled hair coming from my throat that wont stop coming. That is a very fearful dream. Always consider how you are feeling during the dream. Were you stressed, content, fearful? This will give you more insight to your dreams. Dreams are metaphorical.

Apr 27, 2018
Never ending Dream
by: Nena Sterling

So glad to hear others have this dream. I have had them so long I can't remember, I am pulling a thick gummy substance out and I try to hide from people so they don't see it ,It is so much I throw big gobs everywhere.I always seem to be seeing my husband with another woman and her having a child and he thinks it is his but I know not his. He passed away in 1992 .I am also always falling from places . I also have stress from some family members on drugs trying to stop. The dreams do not hurt except the worry of what the meaning of this. I know my husband would never have done this.I am going to the scriptures to see if I can get the answer. Amen

Mar 23, 2018
meaning of the dream
by: Anonymous

Here is your word for today:

I live in South Africa South a born again Christian I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior.
I have been having this dream for some years, it is more real I would feel the pain, when I wake up the pain still there from pulling the endless twin stuck between my teeth. I prayed about it for interpretation and finally I got the answer this evening Friday 23rd March 2018. I had a 30mins nap past 6pm and this dream came this time I was in a room and I was not alone pulling the string I saw men and women pulling the string out of my mouth.. i sensed the presence of dark spirit around the room it was a prison and i saw this dark spirits of men but having only a single righthand and the left amputated, this dark spirits where tormenting men and women, the torment would go on. then I decided to look in the mirror to see in my mouth, what I saw was small silver metal object stuck between my teeth I and this other prisoner friend managed to remove the object and the twin was lose. And one of the single hand guards saw that we are free trying to escape that prison room of torment, but I was caught, a prisoner friend managed to escape and when this guard caught me, he told me that you are next to be tormented but came confusion between this 2 guards and I managed to find way out and run...
Interpretation of this dreams.
A mouth is the sword of God to preach the gospel of repentance:
A string or twine is an obstacle devil preventing us from preaching the gospel.
Weather you are a Christian or not, you and me we are the vessels of God we suppose to be glory carries of God, anointed carries of God. Preaching the Gospel of repentance.
Now the pulling of the string or twine out of the mouth means we are compromising there is a sin in our life need to repent and the devil his getting to us and tormenting us because of that unrepent sin is a door for the devil.
If you not are born again whether you are a Muslim, Hindu, or you do not believe that theres God the creator of heaven and earth, is time for you to receive Jesus Christ in your life go to a decent church get baptised in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Ghost you will be set free.
If you a christian you need to practice a holy life and Christ to be the center and stop compromise and start to preach the gospel you will be delivered from that prison do not let the devil win. Greater is the one in you than the one in this world. Remember dreams are real everything we dream about is real, sleeping pills are not going to help. ignorance is a sin everything happens in dreams and visions you need to know that we are not human beings but spiritual being experience human life we living in the spiritual realm without Jesus Christ in our lives we are nothing. So do not ignore the dream God is trying to communicate to us telling you and me to wake up and put on the whole armor of God..

Mar 15, 2018
Pulling string from teeth
by: Anonymous

I think the dream has something to do with bad health or needing dentistry work done. I just recently went to the dentist and got a deep cleaning, the first time I’d gotten a cleaning in 7 years. I had the reoccurring dream like once a week for the last few years, of trying to endlessly pull gum or melted cheese out of my teeth. I think it was subconsciously knowing I needed to go to the dentist. But last night I had one where it was a never ending pulling of twine with little pieces of bacon on the string, it was so annoying and never stopped. I recently stopped eating meat, so I think that’s where the bacon came in. So effing weird and obnoxious, it’s worse than a nightmare, hopefully that was the last "string"...

Mar 11, 2018
by: Anonymous

This is truly amazing, I was really having trouble figuring out if this was real or a dream...

Feb 18, 2018
Glad I am not the only one
by: MiaZ

I had the dream last night. My string was like Bakery twine; blue and White. First my tooth was falling out. Then beneath it was the string. I pulled it and it took awhile but finally came out. Felt like when I was a kid and my tooth was loose and if I pulled it out a little string would come with it.

The same dream also contained me riding a small banana seat bike to Walgreens to buy some cement to put my tooth back in. I haven't ridden a bike in a long time. As I came to a busy corner I said to myself, "I am prepared that I may die here. I feel it coming". But I didn't.

Lastly the night before I had a worm crawl out of a spot on my leg. Both interpretations are similar on Dream sites. Either money (which is good of course), illness of myself or a friend, OR a loved one is deceiving me. Which would not be the first time. So of course I am about to embark on some investigative work on my Fiance.

Feb 14, 2018
Pulling string from teeth
by: Kentucky

I have had this dreams more than 5 Times now and I don’t know wat it means and it’s crazy lot of people are having it. I’m a black male 24 years old.

Feb 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

So I'm not alone here. I too had the same dream of pulling never ending string and gum off my teeth! And all of my teeth falling out one by one .. I get it at least twice a week! how is it possible for all of us living in various parts of the world get the same type of dream!
I can't think of any obstacle in my life which some people have said it symbolizes.
Is it something related to dental hygiene?

Jan 26, 2018
Blue thread tangled on my teeth
by: Anonymous

I kept pulling a blue thread from a pant caught around my teeth , the more i pulled the longer it becomes almost suffocating me and i woke up

Jan 25, 2018
by: Gums

I dream all the time that I’m pulling lots of strings of plastic from my gumbs and the more I pull the thicker they are and I can’t stop them growling

Jan 16, 2018
I'm so weird
by: Kenadie

I had floss tied on my teeth today and I got it off by cutting it with scissors and it was stuck and my tooth was loose and I was scared I still am because what if it happens again so let an adult who knows how to pull out a loose tooth help you take out a loose tooth

Jan 07, 2018
Pulling string
by: Anonymous

I was just sitting here and decided to google my dream about pulling string from between my teeth.I've had this dream for 20 years countless times and im blown away others do too.
My dream finally ended about a year ago when i kept pulling and pulling and it came to a end. It was a weird moment because i pulled a rusted fishing hook out..never came back

Jan 02, 2018
How longs a piece is string?
by: Pete

well as the title might suggests I’ve had this dream myself. The only difference is that I finally make it to the end, I pull really hard on the string and it pulls my teeth out and rips my gums. I can usually taste the blood in my dream and sometimes when I wake up. It’s usually followed by a massive head ache that takes a while to shift. As it stands I’ve had this dream about 6 times in the last two months. I can’t say for sure if I’m being strung along by anyone but it does give you good for thought.

Jan 01, 2018
Here’s the confirmation I received
by: Brittany

I’ve had the same dream recurring for quite sometime and after reading this and a few other articles I have come to the realization like the other person that it means I am getting strung along by someone I love. I’ve been getting strung along 3 years by someone and today is New Years so I see the confirmation as a message from God to let go. Ive been told God speaks to people in many ways but I know one of mine happens to be dreams and conscious thoughts! For each person having this dream it could be a different situation but that pull at your heart that you felt after the dream or all your research or both i wouldn’t take lightly! God is giving a chance to get things right so please take it! Don’t let another day go without confronting what it means to you and know what you have been battling alone but it’s hapoening in front of people and no one can see it but you. Hope my transparency helps.

Dec 31, 2017
by: KB

I've had this dream multiple times. It'll be a standard dream and in the dream I can feel pressure in between my two front teeth. I'll pull on a floss-like material that never ends, and the more i pull out the more the pressure builds up in my gums. It feels like my teeth are gonna pop out. The anxiety in my dream is caused by wanting to get rid of the floss-like string without possibly losing my teeth, or letting anybody else in the dream see that I'm going through this.

Oct 28, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have this dream nearly every week.never ending chewing gum stuck to my teeth. Just keep pulling it out. What does this mean? I have nothing going on in my life that this could relate to.

Oct 25, 2017
Worm string
by: Anonymous

I had this dream last night it honestly felt so real. I remember being in a situation I didn’t like/people weren’t listening to me. Then I don’t know how but I started pulling the string out of my gums. It really scared me, I kept pulling and pulling. Nobody else commented this but I saw eyes on the string and really thought it was a huge worm. I also don’t remember it being a floss material. If anybody else could comment what happened in their life after this dream that would be great. I’m about to switch jobs for a better opportunity, yesterday I was mourning 2 years since my grandmothers passing I finally let go of some ashes, and I’m also supposed to be moving to my own house soon. I really wonder what interpretation this could be... this is the first time I had this dream. I still can’t believe how real it felt.

Sep 30, 2017
Pulling string from teeth
by: Kelly

I have now had two of these dreams.... it makes total sense as I am completely dealing with the situation of the interpretation.
Freaked me out a lot during the dream... thought life expectancy or tape worm...lol.

Sep 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

Mine was a packet the first time, and it seemed to come from under my gum. I pulled the whole thing out and then shoved it back in my mouth because I was in public and got really embarrassed.

The second time it was painful, and I was pulling bits of wire out from my molars. I remember thinking I had forgotten them there and wondering how it gad broken into so many pieces.

Jul 29, 2017
Endless pulling
by: Anonymous

The endless pulling of gum and or objects from my mouth is ongoing. I would give anything in this world to know why it keeps occurring.

Jun 30, 2017
Thank you for sharing
by: Anonymous

I have the same dream pulling, pulling and pulling the floss from my teeth. I also pulling and pulling gum out of my mouth. Weird

May 01, 2017
string from a tooth
by: Anonymous

Its amazing how we all have the same dreams. I just woke up after dreaming of pulling an endless string from a tooth. My feelings about this dream are positive. It equates to getting something out of my head, unraveling a string of thoughts, feelings and memories long buried in my unconscious mind.... One of the functions of dreams themselves. The dreaming mind seems to love a good pun as well. I think "long in the tooth" applies here, meaning that as I gain more experience in life I can resolve all past issues and conflicts. The connection to the mouth seems to be suggesting talking issues through with someone I trust. Peace to you all.

Apr 21, 2017
i am not only one to have this dream.
by: Anonymous

what is the exact meaning of it? even i get the same kind of dream(pulling out string which does not end and i feel to cut it, after cutting the string in the dream,i actually feel the pain in my teeth while dreaming).after getting up i get headache too.

Jan 04, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have had a lot of dreams about pulling string between my teeth they are quite intense has anyone got a meaning of these

Nov 28, 2016
pulling floss from between my teeth
by: Anonymous

I have this dream where I keep pulling floss from my teeth and I can't end it unless I cut it with something. It seems so real,and happened many times.

Mar 06, 2016
Pulling String Off My Teeth
by: Anonymous

I have this recurring dream too and I hate it. I wonder if I have some kind of gum or bone loss problem.

Oct 13, 2015
by: Anonymous

Wow crazy! I too had a dream, i was in the car with my boyfriend and some other random people. My tooth in the back was crumbling and then there were a whole bunch of these strings were my tooth just fell from i thought they were worms! I was freaking out! I started pulling and pulling them out. Most of the strings were short but i remember pulling this really long one out. I also remember looking at a trash in front of me and dumping the string i pulled out in there. I was freaked out and wanted to go to the hospital or something. Everyone else in the car was calm.

Sep 26, 2015
same scary dream!
by: M

I have the same dream,..it is good that I am not the only one to have this dreams!

Jul 20, 2015
Grinding teeth at night?
by: Sarah

Started having these dreams about 2 months ago. I've always been a lucid dreamer, but I can't control these ones at all.
The first few were large wads of gum that I was trying to spit out. I'd pull with both hands and it would just keep stretching without loosening its grip on my teeth. Could feel it between all of them and it hurt when pulled too far - not pleasant at all.
Recently the dreams have switched to string caught between my upper left teeth in the molars or the space between the canine and molar. Trying to pull the string out hurts tremendously, like its attached to the teeth or embedded in the gums. The pain is excruciating and in the last few occurrences I've given up on trying to remove it.
Now I just use the string as a trigger to remind myself that it's just a dream so I can move past the pain and direct the dream as desired. Can't get rid of it though and it hangs from my mouth for the remainder of dreamtime.
As for my interpretation... I think I may just be grinding my teeth while sleeping. Grinding puts a ton of pressure on your teeth and I think the real-life pain may be carrying over to dreamworld. The stress of not being able to remove it may be making me grind even harder. So I'm getting a biteplane made and hopefully this dream will stop.

Jul 15, 2015
Pulling string from in between my two top teeth
by: Anonymous

Just had this dream. Freaked me out. In front of a mirror. Pulling string out. It comes and comes and comes. i DID have a pair of scissors with me. Tried to cut it. Still showed up. Finally I angled my head and mirror so I can see the back of my mouth. What I seen freaked me out even more. Looked like the back of my mouth was a spool, with an ENDLESS amount (I mean it looked like it shouldn't of even fit in there) of string backed up in there. Was thinking how any doctor or ANYBODY could possibly get this out of me. Finally I woke up, was feeling very weird feeling, checked my two front teeth and was relieved as a MF'r that nothing was there. Seen online that other have had this dream. Just not the part about seeing the actual spool of string in back of the throat. Maybe that part will help us find out what the F this dream really means. Thanks

May 01, 2015
Chewing Gum Dream
by: Matt Bennett

I've had the same dream many times, I'm chewing on gum and I chew it for to long so I can't get it out. I pulling it and it comes out in a fine string but the more I pull it the thinner it gets until it snaps off. I can feel the amount of gum getting smaller but I can't get it all out. Usually when I'm close to getting it all out I wake up

Apr 12, 2015
Same weird dream
by: Anonymous

So last night I had a dream I was standing in front of the mirror pulling a white string (floss) out of between 1 of my bottom teeth. So creeped out but a lot of things are happening in my life lately so maybe this is right after all....

Mar 04, 2015
same nightmare pretty much
by: Anonymous

just awoke from having it again, it didn't start till after my mother died. For the the last week of her life ( she died of multiple cancers...two being cancer of throat and espoghas) and for that last week I would literally have to pull this green thick like mucus from her mouth for she was unable to get it out her self and some times it was quite long..sorry I know it sounds gross and it was and disturbing. In the dream last night it wasn't scary but embarrassing in walking around mall with friends everyone kept staring at me for it was not ending or I get some out of my mouth like a few pounds and then it would start right up again. I'm 55 and have had an active dream life all my life but after my parents died they turned into more nightmares than dreams. So I have this one and three or four other recurring dreams...but this one really affects me after I have awoke. A doctor once prescribed a pill for people with PTSD which I'm told I have and it was supposed to suppress dreams...didn't work. God if there is anyway to end dreaming/nightmares all together...I would love to hear about it...I've share my angst some with a few but not really to the degree that it bothers me and how it stays with me through the day...any suggestions...I'm def open. elainebelieves@aol.com thanks

Jan 20, 2015
pulling stuff from mouth
by: mbk3639

I have a recurring dream that I pull a sour, gritty or sandy substance out of my mouth. I do it hoping no one will see it- it's almost like vomit, with a dense consistency.

In my dream, as soon as I empty my mouth, it fills again- from inside of me.

In my dream, I am feeling anxious or distressed when this happens, also embarrassed.

Any thoughts about what this might mean?

Jan 20, 2015
pulling stuff from mouth
by: mbk3639

I have a recurring dream that I pull a sour, gritty or sandy substance out of my mouth. I do it hoping no one will see it- it's almost like vomit, with a dense consistency.

In my dream, as soon as I empty my mouth, it fills again- from inside of me.

In my dream, I am feeling anxious or distressed when this happens, also embarrassed.

Any thoughts about what this might mean?

Jan 20, 2015
pulling stuff from mouth
by: mbk3639

I have a recurring dream that I pull a sour, gritty or sandy substance out of my mouth. I do it hoping no one will see it- it's almost like vomit, with a dense consistency.

In my dream, as soon as I empty my mouth, it fills again- from inside of me.

In my dream, I am feeling anxious or distressed when this happens, also embarrassed.

Any thoughts about what this might mean?

Jan 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have had the same dream for years , pulling out the endless string from my teeth . The more I do it the more looser my teeth become . As I am pulling the string out I keep thinking that I need to see the dentist about it , then I think that maybe the dentist has put all this string / wire in my mouth to hold all my teeth together and I am screwing up all the work that he has done . But I cannot remember any work being done on my teeth . All in all a crappy dream that is super annoying.

Dec 22, 2014
by: Anonymous

Ok this what i noe abt such dreams. Teeth represent your glory. The string represents something pretty bad tht you re doin. So in such dreams, after a long struggle in pulling off the string, a tooth or more fall. Tht means the more u do tht particular thing, the more its pulling away tht glory tht u have.
In another way, the string can represent a manipulative object or person tht is figthing u and trying to take ur glory away. The only way to stop this is to surrender to Christ Jesus. Hold on to Him and pain and struggle will seize and such dreams will never be seen again.

Nov 13, 2014
Pulling string from inbetween teeth!!
by: Ste

Ok so just woke up from this dream...I remember I've had it many times before... I'm pulling this string looks like dental floss from inbetween my top two front teeth.. From the gums, it feels like it's connected to a tendon or nerve... Quite hard to pull out but I keep pulling and it's never ending until I wake up! It feels so real! Like I'm pulling a ligament or something from deep in my gums... I've just changed jobs the other day and a lot has been on my mind so guessing buy the comments it's that I'm not feeling in control... Strange... 😬

Nov 13, 2014
Pulling string from inbetween teeth!!
by: Ste

Ok so just woke up from this dream...I remember I've had it many times before... I'm pulling this string looks like dental floss from inbetween my top two front teeth.. From the gums, it feels like it's connected to a tendon or nerve... Quite hard to pull out but I keep pulling and it's never ending until I wake up! It feels so real! Like I'm pulling a ligament or something from deep in my gums... I've just changed jobs the other day and a lot has been on my mind so guessing buy the comments it's that I'm not feeling in control... Strange... 😬

Oct 24, 2014
Same thing happened to me
by: Anonymous

Ok, I am freeing out a bit now after reading these other postings....I too, have had this recurring dream so many times... I am always pulling what appears to be a string, but feels more like it is coming from my gums, and is made of tissue or tendon, or ligament....it is always my right upper teeth between my incisor and first molar....I pull and pull and pull....I too did not realize it was actually a dream.....it feels so real, I thought it had really happened to me.....what does this mean?

Oct 24, 2014
Same thing happened to me
by: Anonymous

Ok, I am freeing out a bit now after reading these other postings....I too, have had this recurring dream so many times... I am always pulling what appears to be a string, but feels more like it is coming from my gums, and is made of tissue or tendon, or ligament....it is always my right upper teeth between my incisor and first molar....I pull and pull and pull....I too did not realize it was actually a dream.....it feels so real, I thought it had really happened to me.....what does this mean?

Oct 22, 2014
endless mouth string
by: Anonymous

I had the same dream. Mine wad the old gum string. When I woke up, my mouth was very dried and I was extremely thirsty. So, maybe that's is why you had the endless mouth string dream.

Oct 08, 2014
I Want to know what this dream means
by: Anonymous

I have re lifecently been getting this dream of this "plastic spikey string" texture feeling being pulled from behind my upper and lower teeth. I don't know what it means.
Right now in my life situation I've been going thru a heavy abuse of alcohol. Trying to get my life back to sane. I've doing small things in life just to get by. Losing touch of family and true friends. My work life is just ok. I've been so active in the gym and lately I've haven't been going.
I don't know if anyone can relate? I'd thought I'd share my situation and someone can relate or have some kinda of similarity?

Sep 21, 2014
Did you find an answer?
by: Heidi

I am curious if any of you have the same answer to this dream as I do. As you read in my original post that I had a manipulative person in my life "stringing me along". Do you feel strung along by something or someone? Have you been able to figure out the meaning of your dream?

Sep 21, 2014
I question my sanity now
by: RD

I have had the same experience. I can't even believe this was a dream as the memory of it is so clear. I can still recall the sensation of the "string" or fibers or whatever it was as I pulled it out of my teeth. It seemed as if it was coming from my gums. I can also remember the texture was something like a cross between dental floss and gauze. I can even SWEAR I showed this to my wife and remember her being somewhat puzzled but otherwise not alarmed by it. I remember how bothered I was and doing research online to try and figure out what it was. I had read some information about Morgellons fibers, but decided that this was something different. Now I ask my wife about it but she has no recollection of this experience. To me it is such vivid memories that I feel like I'm in a alternate world now. This is very disturbing to me. I had several instances of this occurrence before I told my wife about it, and maybe once since. So disturbed right now.

Sep 21, 2014
I question my sanity now
by: RD

I have had the same experience. I can't even believe this was a dream as the memory of it is so clear. I can still recall the sensation of the "string" or fibers or whatever it was as I pulled it out of my teeth. It seemed as if it was coming from my gums. I can also remember the texture was something like a cross between dental floss and gauze. I can even SWEAR I showed this to my wife and remember her being somewhat puzzled but otherwise not alarmed by it. I remember how bothered I was and doing research online to try and figure out what it was. I had read some information about Morgellons fibers, but decided that this was something different. Now I ask my wife about it but she has no recollection of this experience. To me it is such vivid memories that I feel like I'm in a alternate world now. This is very disturbing to me. I had several instances of this occurrence before I told my wife about it, and maybe once since. So disturbed right now.

Aug 26, 2014
Same dream
by: Kaynos

This is a recuring dream from me also, i had it last night and decided to do a search about it, found this site. Along with losing my teeths and pulling out string those are very recurent dreams and i'd like to know what it means.

Aug 20, 2014
Thought I was the only one
by: Anonymous

This have been a recurring dream for me since last year. It's something I really have to look into. Glad i'm not the only one. I also found this:
string = obstacle
mouth / teeth = communication

You may have difficulties controlling in your social life. Pulling string from your mouth could mean that you want to break away from some obstacles, it could be shyness or respect you need from others. Basically, you have a dream of not being able to control things. Projecting pulling string symbolize how you want to control things in life.

Want to deal with this obstacle...


May 20, 2014
Pulling floss and gooey stuff out of my mouth
by: Anonymous

I've had the same dream, like I'm pulling floss out of my gums, I pull and pull and it's never ending! I've also had dreams that I'm pulling a big wad of gooey stuff (gum-like) out of my mouth, and, it's endless....WTF is that????

Mar 13, 2014
pulling wire from my teeth
by: Anonymous

I too have had this same dream many many times.
I realise there is a small piece of electrical wire, sometimes two, sticking between my first two bottom teeth. I start to pull it but it wont end so I get scared that it should be there, and is a part of me, so I stop. oftin I try to cut the wire off but it is painful like a nerve and there is blood and the metal wire inside when I cut it. some times I come to the conclusion that I am a robot who was made to seem human. last night I begged dream docters to help and they where secretive about it but knew what was going on.
they showed me a folded and warn pamphlet that seemed to be from a company or organization, explaning an experiment In making living children into robots, or robots into living children to enhance humanity, and I was one of them.
the whole thing alwase takes on a very desperate, confused, sick and twisted vibe.

Feb 04, 2014
I thought it was real
by: LucidIso

I woke up this morning after having this dream and remembered that I have pulled string from my teeth before- multiple times throughout my life, but for some reason I've always believed it to have actually happened. It's actually really wierding me out right now and I can't find any support for it. It is such a strange sensation. It is like floss being pulled from in between my front bottom teeth every time it happens. I can actually feel the floss pulling out through my gums every time and it isn't very pleasant. The strangest part is realizing that my brain believed it to be actually happening throughout my life. Only now do I realize that it couldn't possibly have been happening- at least not in this reality. I've searched the web for some answers and found multiple accounts. This one is the closest to what has been happening to me. I think I'll meditate on why this dream keeps coming up throughout my life, and why it is one of the most lucid dreams ever. It seriously feels real when it happens. I only realized it was a recurring dream after this last time but I KNOW i have pulled string from my teeth multiple times before in my life. Talk about strange.

Nov 12, 2013
Same here
by: Anonymous

I've had this recurring dream most of my life and it happens at least once a month I'd say. I kind of think of it as a nightmare instead of just a dream.

The substance of the "string" often changes. It's been string, dental floss, piece of meat/grisel, and even metal wire. In the wire dreams I'm especially frightened and the tone of the dream is that something nefarious is going on like I'm the subject of some experiment.

The wire dreams differ a little from the other "string" dreams too in that the wire will be entwined among many teeth towards the back of the mouth whereas the "normal" string ones it's always the front few teeth.

Like mentioned above the string keeps coming. If I pull too quickly I can feel my teeth start to loosen and it hurts. I try and figure out the source and it seems to be coming from underneath my teeth.

Sometimes in the dream I'm able to break it off near the gum line, but usually after lots of struggle, pain, and blood. And then sometimes shortly after I'll notice another string in the next tooth and begin the struggle to get rid of that one.

Good times!

Mar 13, 2013
Dream or Real?
by: Anonymous

HOly cow! just today at the dentist I had a flashback, I cant remember if it was a dream or if it really happened. I was standing in front of bathroom mirror, pulling a floss-like string out from a gap between my 2 front teeth and gum, it just kept pulling and I was like WTF? I felt like it was entwined in my teeth roots or something? I could have sworn it was real and went back looking for the string in the bathroom but can't find it. if not real it was the most lucid dream i've ever had. btw, i have been having dental issues lately. idk if related.

May 14, 2012
by: Anonymous

That is crazy I keep having the same dream!

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