many water

by girlie dugenia
(tarlac philippines)

I dreamt last time I was together with my daughter we were watching a TV show and there was an earthquake.

Suddenly there was water everywhere like a tsunami had hit.

I have had other dreams like this as well - one was when I was in a lake with a friend of mine, which was flooding and we did not know how to survive.

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May 19, 2012
I have had such similar dreams!
by: Amanda

I have had these dreams also but I am searching for my daughters and I can never find them. in one dream I finally found them but they were floating in the distance face down. Those dreams I would have when my daughters where at their fathers but I had a dream last night that still brings me to tears of finding my daughter in the bottom of a pool in someone's back yard. at first I didn't see her then I got closer and there was one blonde haired girl. When I go to pull her out she was cold and stiff. It felt so real! It scares the hell out of me. My boyfriend woke me up cause I guess I was whimpering out loud.I immediately had him check on the kids. It is haunting me still.

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