Expanding Houses

by B

In my dreams the houses keep expanding further and further by lakes, streams, old trailers connected together, rooms connected under the house, and many more connections of dwellings and rooms.

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Jul 26, 2018
Me Too !!!!
by: Anonymous

I've been having dreams like this for years, different houses, but always secret rooms, the house gets larger and larger as I'm showing people through. I love having these dreams, just wish I new what they meant.

Jan 09, 2012
don't mean to scare you.
by: Anonymous

I kept dreaming of a house that was secretly bigger than it was and in the dream i discovered hidden rooms.I was very ill for a few months and after a bit of research it turned out dreams of houses are common when you are ill hence the house representing your body. I was treated for what was wrong and the dreams stopped. A few months later I started having the dreams again and knew what to do and yep my health took a turn again but I had time to prevent it from getting worse and I thank the dreams for that.

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