crumbling teeth that just fall out in mouth
by Anita
I have the same dream over and over about my teeth just falling out in a crumble!
I am 45 now and after reading up on it I am now aware that I am not alone.
Wow, what an odd dream but it makes perfect sense now as to why I am having this crazy dream!
I can now focus on some issues I have with aging I guess, lol.and have been very sick and was diagnosed with malnutrition 3 weeks ago due to a stomach issue.
Well thanks for the great site!! Truly on the money with this one!
Comments from
Thank you very much for the compliment. We are really happy you like our site.
Teeth dreams can be really strange. I have had several over the years myself and I am always left feeling as though my teeth are loose the next day, I go around touching them to make sure they are not really falling out!