Constantly Running

by Brittany

In my dreams I'm constantly running from more than one person at a time. I'm not sure what to think of these occurrences.

Sometimes I'm running through a huge house and I can't find my way out, but when I finally find my way out I get caught right near the house.

Or sometimes I'm just running and running getting away from someone but I cannot clearly tell who or what it is that I'm running from. These are really scary when they're occurring.

A lot of times I'm running from a group of men.

I just need to know what this means. Can anyone help???

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Jul 05, 2012
by: Jessie

Yes sometimes that happend to me and believe me that was also scary.I think It means that you tried to lie, steal, ect... But at the end you got caught. And then you wanted mercy so they let you go but again you got caught.

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