Bright Light Dream

I had a dream that I saw a bright light, I went to and it told me that it meant guidence plain understanding and insight.
That didnt really freak me out, what really freaked me out is that it said it could also sometimes be common for people who are near death.
After I read that it really freaked me put so much that I started to cry. I need to know what this dream really me please! :D

Comments from

I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience!

One of the ways that people try to interpret their dreams is by looking up dream dictionary sites like, for a "quick fix dream interpretation". These sites do nothing but mislead people into believing there are set meanings for the symbols they see in their dreams, and as such, I would really urge you to only look within yourself for the meaning of your dreams.
We here at aim to teach and educate our readers on the "real" way to interpret their dreams.

Dreams are personal to each of us, our dreaming brains have created them from the accumulation of experiences we have gained in our lives, and therefore only you, the dreamer, can know what seeing a bright light in your dream means.
Take a look at your feelings towards bright lights, what do they mean to you?

Seeing a bright light dream could mean any number of things. For instance if you are a sailing person, a bright light could mean safety, being associated with seeing a light beacon from a light house which serves to guide ships safely home.

As there have been many accounts
of "seeing a light at the end of a tunnel" with people who have had near death experiences, in some communities it is quite largely accepted that seeing a light symbolises life after death.

There is also the saying "I see light at the end of the tunnel", which generally means that you can see some signs of hope in the future, though things are difficult at the moment.

But please understand the language of our dreams. Our dreams are metaphoric in nature, which means that they do not speak literally.

So taking this bright light dream as an example, and let's just say that the personal meaning we associate to it is as a symbol of " life after death".
We should not take it as literally foretelling "life after death" but as metaphorically symbolising that, maybe a part of you that you no longer require has, metaphorically speaking "died". Seeing this light has symbolised that there is "light" at the end of the tunnel. That you will be OK without this part of yourself.

Now this was a pure example and not a meaning for your actual dream at all. But a way to explain to you the metaphoric nature of the language of our dreams, and how you should go about interpreting them.

You would need to take a look at yourself and your relationship and beliefs about seeing a light to really fully understand what this symbol means to you.
I really hope this has quelled your fears!
Take a look if you like at our Dream Interpretation Tutorial
to learn how to interpret the "real" meaning of your dreams!

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Aug 16, 2018
Light Pink orb and a tiny white orb
by: Anonymous

I was dreaming that I just woke up and felt a cool breeze and a heard a high pitch noise. as I was getting up I looked above my head and there they were a light pink bright light with hummingbird wings and a tiny white brink light with the same wings. When I left the room I turned around and there was my kitchen hand towel floating in my bedroom door way? I woke up shortly after? What does this mean

Jun 19, 2018
Please help me understand my dream
by: Tamisha

Can you please help me understand my dream I dreamed I gave birth to a baby boy then had to have surgery on the lower part of my abdomen the doctor stated it was a disease in I died on the table I went to heaven it was so beautiful and I wasn't scared I saw Lord Jesus in a distance he raised his arms up in i looked up it was the most beautiful bright light in I wasn't scared I was lifted into that light that was above me and then I woke up

Apr 20, 2018
White light under water
by: Kelly

I had a dream that I was playing deep under water and was using a can of coke to anchor me down. The boat that I had come in was way above me. When I looked into the murky distance there was a big bright white perfectly circular light, that seemed to come closer. Please help me translate this.

Feb 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

I dreamed of a Cube inside of a Sohere that had constellations in it there was this ethereal chanting music going on in the background and I felt like I was caught in the gravity of the shape it was outside of space and time but as I was pulled closer I felt this pressurized rush and the music got louder and i felt smothered then I woke up panting. I really don’t understand what all of this means.. someone help I know you’re supposed to interpret your own dreams but in so confused.

Sep 18, 2017
Bright light on board
by: Anonymous

I had a dream that I was at school, but when I got inside the classroom the board had such a bright light that I couldn't see what was written on it. I remember being frustrated because the light was blinding and not at all pleasant on my eyes. The dream continued but I don't remember much. The part that has me concerned is the blinding bright light... what could it mean?

May 08, 2017
Not a bright light
by: Anonymous

I really didn't have a dream. But I was asleep. There was a light (not a bright light) that was shining on my head/face. I could see the light through my eye lids. It lasted about 30 minutes and don't ask how I how it lasted that long. I just know.

Apr 22, 2017
Bright light
by: Cory chambers

I had a dream i was in a tunnel traveling it was beautiful .beautiful forest on one side and the other side beautiful ocean. Never seen it so beautiful. Then all of sudden i saw a bright light coming to me trying to take me away but there was something trying to hold me here but don't know what. I wanted to go with the light. It tried a few minutes later again someone was holding me here. What didi experience. Then i woke up

Jan 05, 2017
dark room.
by: Anonymous

i had a dream that i was in a dark room where i couldn't get out. i knew i was in a dream, so i asked myself to please wake up. when i was not waking up. i asked god to wake me up. (i am not regilous, so it was odd) i flew to the window on the dark room, and all of a sudden, this white light enveloped me, it was like a bright star that surrounded me, and it woke me up, just like i asked god to in my dream.i am not a religous person, but i do believe that bright white light was god in my dream. what does my dream mean?

Jun 08, 2016
surrounding bright light
by: Elaine

i've been wondering about this. been looking around the internet. the light was only an element of the entire dream. about three days after a wake that i attended for a man i used to babysit for, his name was Tommy. he appeared in a dream. i was in my kitchen making tea and i walked over to the sink. i started crying and when i opened my eyes and turned around everything was bright. and Tommy was there. "you're here!" i exclaimed when i saw him. he wasn't looking at me tho. and he said "yeah. they told me you'd see me" and i think he said something that he was buried with something of mine. which i don't know if that could actually be true because he was cremated. i was told it was a vision and that he came to visit me. sometimes it confuses me what he said. and that he wasn't looking at me when he was talking to me.

Apr 01, 2016
angel appering and flying with coloful flashes of light
by: Anonymous

I was searching for a helpful meaning of my dream,because I didn't want to be patient enough for God to reveal it to me.This post really helped me out tremendously.Its genuine.Words could never express how much I appreciate you.Thanks for being honest,becuase this is an honest lecture....btw I searched many sites too and this one is on POINT!Thanks again for your generosity. You cared enough to think about and encourage those,youve never seen before.God Bless

Oct 13, 2015
Confused dream.
by: Anonymous

My dream doesn't make any sense to me
I see a big cloud opening up and see thousand of stars than it disappear. To the left a large rock formation with an opening cave I see two men standing there next to the edge and they disappeared . At bottom right a bright light fades and see an outline of human face it disappeared.. In middle a bright light fades to a cloud formation its open up and I could see hundreds of people standing than it faded away and the stars come back than again fades away. I woke up for awhile trying to figure what that dream was all about so I went back to sleep and the dream started all over again.

Oct 13, 2015
Confused dream.
by: Anonymous

My dream doesn't make any sense to me
I see a big cloud opening up and see thousand of stars than it disappear. To the left a large rock formation with an opening cave I see two men standing there next to the edge and they disappeared . At bottom right a bright light fades and see an outline of human face it disappeared.. In middle a bright light fades to a cloud formation its open up and I could see hundreds of people standing than it faded away and the stars come back than again fades away. I woke up for awhile trying to figure what that dream was all about so I went back to sleep and the dream started all over again.

May 30, 2015
Many bright lights
by: Lucid dreamer

I had repeating bright lights dream though from different angles or place. I had a dream where I'm in a dark place next to a light bulb. I slowly stare at it until I got blinded by it's brightness waking me up. I also had a dream where I was on he side of the road near the woods and it's about to get dark, a car was approaching towards me with it's headlights on it slowly came until I got bright and blinded that woke me up again.

May 29, 2015
Did I experience what dying might've been like
by: Alexis

I had a dream I was at "war" & I got shot several times, i didn't feel a pinch of pain but After being shot I fell to the floor and I knew I was going to die with several gunshot wounds, I looked up at the sky and my eyes closed & a flash of bright lights all white all pure shined in my view & I knew I had died then i woke up from my dream.

May 07, 2015
Bright Light
by: Anonymous

Had a "dream" I was in a room with two windows. The light coming through was so bright I had to turn away. When I looked to the left of the room there sat my Grandfather who had passed two years prior. He asked me to tell my Father he was sorry for everything that happened between them. Gosh I feel so blessed....

Apr 20, 2015
Please bealive me its not my imagination
by: Dimitris from greece

So right now im 18 years old im baptist orthodox i dont believe in god so much so i saw a dream one day i was sitting naked in a mountain full of grass and in front of me there was water running dawn in the infinty without color the infinity there was no end and no start i was connected with everything with the grass the air the water and i didnt feel shy too be naked i didnt felt bored watching the same thing over and over again iwas not human iwas immortal i felt that i was fed from the things i was connected with my time has stop but in my world the time was moving it felt so nice so peace i wasnt searching for some thing no need for money job buildings techology food water love or even friends no need to watch myself no need to move it was so nice. The feelings where so true it felt like i was feeling everything 100 percent in the last i saw a very bright light coming fast i was not scared not burning so the light was reaching when it reach i felt s kind of very strong energy threw my soul and body like it was warming my everything without dying in the last i wish that you could feel that way .i reach my limit of myself i dont know why i was chosen too see it but i said in the morning that god its everywhere and its alive its true

Feb 03, 2015
My Bright light
by: Anonymous

I had a dream about seeing a beautiful bright dot in the distance. To me, this dot was always there but was now visible to me because I am becoming more spiritually aware and am clearing some of the negative blocks in my aura. I've been reading a lot of spiritual information and praying and trying to spend more time creating positive thoughts. This dream followed so my interpretation was that of spiritual cleaning, and better foresight. Just though I'd put my two cents in :D God Bless

Jan 05, 2015
Clarity or Death
by: Mandy

I had a dream about my daughters father cheating on me with his female co-worker. I ran away from finding them, and to a cemetery, where I saw a bright white light in the distance. As I approached it, my 2 year old woke me. Frustrating! I still wonder if it meant "clarity", or something more. This was about 2 weeks ago.

Dec 31, 2014
LOVE is our KING
by: Cathryna

I had a dream a week ago when I saw a very bright white light. There was a table or something I was feeling around so I would not fall (I was like blind for all I could see was the light). I was not afraid in fact I was trying to move closer to it for that was were I wanted to be.

Nov 13, 2014
regarding dream dictionaries
by: Anonymous

I use dream moods often, along with other sites and books. What i do is i gather all the possible meanings for each element in my dream, some meanings are profoundly redundant--different symbols/elements but similar meanings--which should be relatively close to the actual meaning. Then I combine them in relation to what i was feeling during the dream/s.

having a dream journal helps a lot. i used to only write the most prominent details but now I can write pages of even the smallest details.

Oct 15, 2014
Bright Light "Dream"
by: Anonymous

I was falling half asleep, thinking about astral projection, losing feeling in lower body and arms. I pictured the feel of a rope. I could picture me hopping up the rope carefully, making it swing from side to side. Then I fell asleep for a split second then I see a bright ass flash of light and it scares me and I open my eyes instantly.

The flash of light was white, yellow and orange. Like fire but with white also. Wasn't hot, didn't have a sound. A flash. Didn't fade in or out. Just sudden. Scared me so I opened my eyes. I knew I had my eyes closed. I knew I wasn't in reality; whether it'd be the light you "see" when astral projecting or the light you "see" when you die. Or just a dream. Either of the three frightened me.

Aug 10, 2014
by: Anonymous

It was 730 am when I woke up from my dream heart racing. I was in an airport cleaning and it was like someons was reflecting the sun in my eyes. I kept looking away from it cause it was so bright. It came closer and closer the closer the brighter it got it was so bright I woke up. Still kinda seeing white light waking up.

May 30, 2014
Bright Light
by: Frank Paipa

When i am alseep, i see a bright light, sometimes. like one time i had one that i was famous. But the light was so bright, i couldnt see, i had to cover up my eyes. it was sad. but Later, i looked it up in class, my teacher said she had a bright light too. I guess it meant that i had a bright future. im just a kid, 11 years old, and i dont think that im gunna have one. Help me please!!

May 30, 2014
Bright Light
by: Frank Paipa

When i am alseep, i see a bright light, sometimes. like one time i had one that i was famous. But the light was so bright, i couldnt see, i had to cover up my eyes. it was sad. but Later, i looked it up in class, my teacher said she had a bright light too. I guess it meant that i had a bright future. im just a kid, 11 years old, and i dont think that im gunna have one. Help me please!!

May 21, 2014
by: Anonymous

I dosed for just second dreamed this bright,but didn't fear the light . We're was at been having a lot trouble with brother law it was at corner of garage his ,thx spiratual advice

May 22, 2013
Bright light
by: Anonymous

I also dream about a bright light. Evil Spirit is trying to take me away but I fought. I shouted Jesssuuussss!!!! Holy Spirit... I cried so loud then this bright light takes over me and rescued me. Now the EVIL SPIRIT is gone...

May 11, 2013
bright light dreams
by: Anonymous

I have these dreams very frequently. I dream I am either walking or driving my car and the light is so bright, always coming into my left side and left eye that I cannot see clearly or focus.

I become fearful because I cannot see and lose control. This happens only when something is going to be an enjoyable event. Last night WHILE DREAMING I went to a garden nursery but wound up in a nursing home compound. There were wonderful flowers. They were huge and exotic and very colorful. I met a Hispanic woman who invited me to take some of the flowers home. I took a huge stalk of red roses. When I got home all of the roses were gone. I asked a friend to go back to the nursing home with me. She was excited because she was interested in the size of the flowers I had described. We went back but couldn't find the nursing home or the Hispanic lady.

Apr 29, 2013
caged light guarded by the grim reaper
by: Anonymous

I recently had a dream with a bright light in it... the bright light was in a cage that was covered with eyes and guarded by the grim reaper... all of a sudden I had the feeling that the cage was performing an act of rebellion and it opened up and freed the bright light. the grim reaper was angry and chased me and the cage the into a suburban area. we slowed down because we felt safe because there were people there who were watching but then everyone began to turn into the grim reaper and chase us... I told myself to imagine a new setting and arrived at a beach in a desert island with the cage... then I remember running down some stairs from zombies and then I had to wake up to go to school

if anyone has an interpretation for this dream it would be appreciated

Apr 29, 2013
caged light guarded by the gim reaper
by: Anonymous

I recently had a dream with a bright light in it... the bright light was in a cage that was covered with eyes and guarded by the grim reaper... all of a sudden I had the feeling that the cage was performing an act of rebellion and it opened up and freed the bright light. the grim reaper was angry and chased me and the cage the into a suburban area. we slowed down because we felt safe because there were people there who were watching but then everyone began to turn into the grim reaper and chase us... I told myself to imagine a new setting and arrived at a beach in a desert island with the cage... then I remember running down some stairs from zombies and then I had to wake up to go to school

if anyone has an interpretation for this dream it would be appreciated

Mar 17, 2013
Same thing
by: Anonymous

I had a similar dream. I was in a plane crash and then a tornado came and I died during that tornado. Then all of a sudden I see this bright white light and I can hear someone talking to me. Then I snapped back into china. I have no clue what it means I would really love to know.

Feb 24, 2013
Bright light shapes on ceiling
by: Nant1

I have had the most weirdest experience in my sleep last night and could swear I had been awake when experiencing it. As I lay flat on my stomach recalled turning and looking up at the celing only to see loads of different shapes in bright white light. One particular image was a circle with one triangle in it. I could not speak or stir my husband.

The property is a holiday let and there is no window or mirror that could have created that reflection.

Today, I feel miserable, have astiff neck and muggy headache.

Has anyone got an interpretation for this?

Feb 24, 2013
Bright light shapes on ceiling
by: Nant1

I have had the most weirdest experience in my sleep last night and could swear I had been awake when experiencing it. As I lay flat on my stomach recalled turning and looking up at the celing only to see loads of different shapes in bright white light. One particular image was a circle with one triangle in it. I could not speak or stir my husband.

The property is a holiday let and there is no window or mirror that could have created that reflection.

Today, I feel miserable, have astiff neck and muggy headache.

Has anyone got an interpretation for this?

Feb 16, 2013
Bright Light
by: Anonymous

I was dreaming that I was driving with my girlfriend at night from a long day and I remembered looking up at the sky and seeing the moon oddly magnified as if floating within miles above us. I turned to her and asked "look at the moon! It's huge"! She didn't notice it. It was as if I was the only one. Then a really bright light appeared above to my left. Yes I was driving but it wasnt another light of a car. It was higher. I only saw it in the corner of my eye. I did not look directly at it. It flickered really quick about 2 or 3 times. I woke up instantly and I was completely numb throughout my body. My heart was pounding and I was scared for some reason. I gained my feeling back. My heart slowed back down. I was already awake before I had this dream. I was simply taking a nap in what was a somewhat lit room at 8:30 A.M. I get paranoid about death and I'm sure many others do. I have so much more to accomplish in life. I want to help the needy and have good vibes to communities. I have recently been goin through a bad case of anxiety where to the point I've been in the hospital roughly 5 times to get answers. My heart would race so fast, I would get extremely chilled, and I would feel completely numb. It's sometimes hard to breathe which concerned me about my dream. Like I said I don't want to die but yet I've heard so many good stories about thee experience of death and coming back maybe because of your body catching yourself and quickly fixing it or being rescued by a medic at the hospital. It's scary too because I'm only 17 and I still have a life to live up to.

Nov 14, 2011
Bright light dream
by: Jessica

I had a dream of a bright light and then suddenly darted up out of my sleep ... I was in a panick...It was at 6:40am... My boyfriend of 7 years was in the hospital at the time of my dream.... well about 20 mins later my phone rang and it was the doctore telling me that my boyfriend passed away...They found him with no pulse at 6 am then pronounced him dead at 6:40 am...I believe the light was him visiting me to let me know that he was gone and that he is ok ............

Jan 08, 2011
Awesome info
by: Anonymous

I have also had a bright light dream and looked on several sites but couldn't get any good information. This post has helped me a lot. Thank you!

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